Upcoming Bird Tours
Merlin Birding and Nature Tours will be offering birding trips to the following outstanding birding locations in the next 3 years (please stay tuned for updates on these exciting tours on this website and through regular email updates): Alaska, Belize, East Africa, India, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico).

Veracruz, Mexico: River of Raptors
October 5-16, 2024​
Witness the largest raptor migration on Earth! Observers count 4-6 million raptors each fall, with two dozen species counted from two independent observation points in central Veracruz, Mexico. As these majestic birds migrate south they are funneled into a narrow bottleneck between the Sierra Madre Orientale Mountains and the Gulf of Mexico. In addition to enjoying the spectacular (and unforgettable!) raptor and waterbird migrations, we shall explore Veracruz's remarkable diversity of habitats and bird species, from coastal wetlands to mountain pine forests and tropical lowlands. Up to 270 bird species are observed on this 12-day birding extravaganza! This tour also includes visits to ancient cultural sites (as well as the renown anthropology museum in Xalapa).

Birding the Choco-Andes Region of NW Ecuador (with Amazon Extension)
February 27-March 9, 2023 (Ext. March 9-14, 2023)
Visit and bird the stunning diversity of Ecuador, where almost half the species of hummingbirds found in the world live. Total species of birds in Ecuador exceed 1,700. We'll concentrate our birding in the clous forests and high Andes Mountains of northern Ecuador. Each area offers exceptional, diverse birding experiences, where birding often can be frenetic. There are too many target species to list. This is truly a birder's paradise!

Birding the Road Less Taken, Costa Rica February 8-22, 2025
Travel to a country that is a must on any birder's bucket list. We'll visit varied habitats, from lowland tropical rainforests to high-elevation cloud forests. Ocellated Crake, Rosy Thrush-Tanager, and White-crested Coquette are some targets, among many others. The trip concludes with a pelagic birding trip off the Pacific Coast.

Eastern Panama's Darien (and Pipeline Rd.)
Dates TBD Spring 2024
Merlin Tours is currently working with the Canopy Family to put together a 9-night, all-inclusive birding package to explore the Darién region of eastern Panama. The Darien, as this eastern-most region of Panama is called, is perhaps the most diverse and species-rich region of Central America. Long coveted by avid birders as an impenetrable haven for rare species, this region is now readily accessible by a highway extending through the spine of Panama into the heart of this bird-rich land.
(There are presently safety concerns throughout the region, hence we have suspended our plans to schedule a birding tour to the Darien until the situation becomes safe for our clients. Full details of this tour will be posted as soon as the situation is resolved.}

Birding Amazonian Peru
December 1-12, 2025
You'll explore the forest canopy from platforms that put you at the canopy level. You'll also visit a new reserve where guides discovered five new bird species in the last 10 years. You'll also hike in an area with the highest large-tree diversity in the world.
The Napo River provides amazing birding opportunities, as you silently drift in a boat along the forest's edge. Perhaps a pod of pink river dolphins will also appear.